June 23, 2012

A MUST SEE - Debate about eating meat, ethics and animal rights

Why it is so important to stop eating meat and how it can positively change the whole world?:

Watch the full debate:

June 11, 2012

Veganism - An important answer to change the world

"Although we are in different boats you in your boat and we in our canoe we share the same river of life."
- Chief Oren Lyons, Onandaga Nation

The world is awakening to a new perception of reality and morality is evolving both positively and rapidly. The fastest growing movements in the world today are environmentalism, conservation and animal rights and the one thing that all three movements have in common is respect for life.

Thirty years ago the average person had no concept of veganism. Vegetarians were considered a little odd and certainly far removed from the mainstream. What was once unknown and odd is rapidly becoming popular. Veganism is the answer to environmental challenges. The meat industry produces more carbon emissions that the auto industry. And people are beginning to see the connections between the diminishment of biodiversity in our oceans and with what we eat. We are eating our oceans alive and forty percent of the fish taken from the sea is fed to pigs, chickens and farm raised salmon or rendered into cat food.

In fact a vegan driving a Hummer would contribute less greenhouse gas emissions than a steak eater riding a bicycle.

Pigs now eat more fish than sharks, chicken in factory farms eat more fish than puffins at se and domestic housecats eat more fish than all the world`s seals.

This is a world out of balance with the laws of nature and if our living oceans die, we die. It is as simple as that. We don`t live on the planet with a dead ocean.

If we are to save our oceans and ourselves, we need to find answers through imagination and the adaptation of new ideas and new perceptions. Conservation and environmental activism is one answer. Veganism is another answer. Animal rights is another answer.

We need to stop the killing of animals in the name of tradition, sport and culture. The Faeroese should not be allowed to slaughter pilot whales on their beaches for sport. The Ukrainians should not be allowed to kill stray dogs just so people can watch some men kick a ball around. Animals should not have to die to test cosmetics or to provide fur coats. Sharks should not have to be mutilated and thrown back into the sea to slowly die for a bowl of soup.

This is our choice. Do we evolve into benevolent beings valuing empathy and kindness for all living things or do we continue to preside as monstrous primates slaughtering billions and inflicting horrific cruelty to so many innocent species.

In this movement we believe that humans can rise about our savage genesis to become compassionate custodians of life and beauty laying the foundation for a better world where kindness, love, and respect are paramount and slaughter, cruelty, ignorance and arrogance are abolished.

Veganism is compassion and commission is respect for life and together compassion and respect equal hope for the future.

Captain Paul Watson
July 2012

June 10, 2012

Whale Wars - Viking Shores

Whale Wars: Viking Shores, follows Sea Shepherd's battle to end the killing of pilot whales in the Faroe Islands.
This page displays the full five episodes.

Episode 1:

Episode 2:

Episode 3:

Episode 4:

Episode 5:


In the North Atlantic, between Iceland and Scotland, lies a chain of islands with picturesque beaches and rolling green hills. The Faroe Islands are a self-governing Danish Territory of 50,000 people — descendants of Vikings, bound by proud tradition who have fished these waters for thousands of years.

But there is a dark shadow over this beautiful land. Every year, Faroese people gather to herd pilot whales to their shallow shores to be killed for their meat, which is a food source.

Whale Wars: Viking Shores, a new five-part series beginning Friday, April 27, at 9 PM (et/pt), follows the Sea Shepherd Conservation Society as it sets sail to end this ancient tradition, known as "The Grind" (Faroese for "whale drive"), that takes place every summer. Each new one-hour episode airs on Fridays at 9 PM (et/pt).

For the first time in the history of the Whale Wars saga, the Sea Shepherds are not only at sea but also deploying a covert team to patrol the streets, interact with locals and carry out undercover missions. For this campaign, the Sea Shepherd arsenal has been upgraded with a new ultra-lightweight aircraft and mobile acoustical devices to deter the whales from the islands. The flagship Steve Irwin (captained by Paul Watson) and Brigitte Bardot (captained by Fraser Hall) join the land-sea-air operation to provide backup along the coast. A Grind can happen at any moment, and the Sea Shepherds are vastly outnumbered and behind enemy lines in a new kind of face-to-face battle.

"Justice takes precedence over the law. No law that [the Faroese] can pass is going to justify what they're doing to those whales," says Watson. "We have to constantly remind the Faroese that the outside world is watching them."

The Faroese have a long-standing history with Paul Watson, who's been protesting "The Grind" since 1986. The locals know him as "the enemy" and consider his views and actions dangerous. With over 20 killing beaches spread across 18 islands, stopping this hunt isn't easy as the Sea Shepherds encounter a determined foe that is far from faceless.

"We kill big whales, so Paul Watson is not a problem," says Marnar Andreasen, the Grind foreman, who organizes the annual slaughter and is constantly tracking the direct-action conservation group's every move. "The problem is [the Sea Shepherds] never hear it from our side."

Whaling in the Faroe Islands has been practiced since the time of the first Norse settlements on the islands. The Faroese have legally hunted and used the non-endangered whales as a food source for over a thousand years. During the Grind season, locals use boats to drive as many as a thousand whales towards the island's rocky shores, where locals wait to kill them with knives, staining the sea red with blood.


More videos at:

June 9, 2012

Seal Wars

In the face of heavy security and threats of violence, Sea Shepherd launches a campaign to end the clubbing of 90,000 fur seals along Namibia's Skeleton Coast. But the campaign is compromised and their headquarters raided - threatening to end the campaign.

Seal.Wars.Special (HD) por Explore2

June 8, 2012

Whale Wars - Operation Bluefin

The mighty bluefin tuna is on the brink of extinction, and Sea Shepherd are entering the war-torn waters of Libya to defend the lucrative fish from illegal poachers.

Whale Wars - Operation Bluefin

June 7, 2012

The Collective Evolution - Transforming ourselves and the world

"World peace is a personal thing, what is needed is not a change of circumstance, but a change of consciousness"
- Neale Donald Walsh

The Collective Evolution 1:

A documentary aimed at showing the current state of the world, why it needs to be changed, and how each and every one of us can play a role in changing it. The documentary addresses this need for change through five individual yet interrelated structures society has come to rely upon --finance, education, religion, entertainment/ media, and health/ food. Each of these structures is fully broken down to show viewers how they have come into place, and why their continued existence can no longer be supported. The documentary concludes by drawing attention to consciousness. Addressing who we truly are, what we have come on this planet to do, and most importantly how we can go about doing it.

The Collective Evolution 2 - The Human Experience:

A documentary focused on showing each of the dimensions to the experience we call life. The documentary does this by addressing exactly who we all are, and why we are here. It further delves into each of the key pieces that make up the human puzzle, namely the planet, the body, and the ego. The documentary concludes by addressing the shift in consciousness that has already begun and continues to intensify on the planet. It's intention is to further provide the viewer with the tools and understanding it needs to step out of current limitations and instead experience the infinite potentiality we are all capable of.

The Collective Evolution 3 - The Shift (Trailer 2012):

A powerful documentary that lays out a plan of action that humanity can begin taking to drastically change our world. By uncovering why we currently operate the way we do and bringing an understanding to it, CE3 presents very real and practical solutions to begin shifting not only ourselves but our external world also. Combined with The SHIFT Project, CE3 explores advanced technologies, consciousness, and our natural state to create a bridge from our current world to a bright limitless future.

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