September 25, 2011

Veganism - A Life Connected | Veganismo - A Vida Interligada

A daily act that can change our life and the world

An excellent, inspiring and very educative video that presents important informations on issues such as ethics, environment, sustainability, health and society, regarding vegetarianism and products consumption, that represents a very urgent subject and of vital importance to the survival of the whole planet and human species.

This video show how by changing our daily habits, we can make a tremendous difference in the world, and change many negative paradigms that currently exist, to others that are truly beneficial to everyone.

Be the change you want to see in the world, go Vegetarian.

Um acto diário que pode mudar a nossa vida e o mundo
Um excelente vídeo educativo e inspirador, que apresenta informações importantes sobre questões éticas, ambientais, de sustentabilidade e sociais dentro da temática do vegetarianismo e do consumo de produtos, que representa um assunto urgente e de vital importância para a sobrevivência de todo o planeta e da espécie humana.

Este vídeo demonstra como ao mudar alguns hábitos diários, podemos fazer uma grande diferença no mundo, mudando muitos paradigmas negativos existentes para outros mais benéficos para todos.

Seja a mudança que quer ver no mundo, torne-se Vegetariano.

Earthlings | Terráqueos

... Make the connection ...

EARTHLINGS is a feature length documentary about humanity's absolute dependence on animals (for pets, food, clothing, entertainment, and scientific research) but also illustrates our complete disrespect for these so-called "non-human providers." The film is narrated by Academy Award nominee Joaquin Phoenix and features music by the critically acclaimed platinum artist Moby .

TERRÁQUEOS é um filme-documentário sobre a absoluta dependência da humanidade em relação aos animais (para estimação, alimentação, vestuário, diversão e investigação científica), mas também ilustra nosso completo desrespeito para com os assim chamados "provedores não-humanos". Este filme é narrado por Joaquin Phoenix e possui trilha sonora composta pelo artista Moby.
Com um profundo estudo dentro das pet-shops, criatórios de filhotes e abrigos de animais, bem como em fazendas industriais, no comércio de couro e peles, indústria de esporte e entreterimento, e finalmente na carreira médica e científica, TERRÁQUEOS usa câmeras escondidas e filmagens inéditas para narrar as práticas diárias de algumas das maiores indústrias do mundo, as quais dependem de animais para lucrar. Impactante, informativo e provocando reflexões, TERRÁQUEOS é de longe o mais completo documentário jamais produzido sobre a conexão entre natureza, animais, e interesses econômicos. Há vários filmes importantes sobre os direitos dos animais, mas este supera os demais. TERRÁQUEOS tem que ser assistido. Altamente recomendado.

Gary Yourofsky: Palestra sobre veganismo e direitos animais | Lecture on veganism and animal rights

A must see - An excelent  great lecture on veganism and animal rights:
Gary Yourofsky's entire inspirational speech held at Georgia Tech in summer of 2010. Listen to this amazing speaker who will blow away the myths, fill your mind with interesting facts, and help you make ethical choices for a healthy heart and soul. His charismatic and straightforward style is one of a kind - a must-see for anyone who cares about nonhuman animals or wishes to make the world a better place.

A não perder - Uma excelente palestra sobre veganismo e direitos dos animais:
Uma palestra inspiradora de Gary Yourofsky, realizada na Universidade Georgia Tech, nos EUA, no verão de 2010. Oiça este sensacional palestrante que desmitificará mitos, inundará sua mente com factos interessantes e ajudá-lo a fazer escolhas éticas para ter um coração e uma alma mais saudáveis . Seu estilo carismático de discurso é único e tem de ser visto por qualquer um que se preocupe com animais ou que deseje transformar o mundo um lugar melhor.

The seal hunt - How Sea Shepherd was attacked and lost the ship Farley Mowat (2008)

Know how in 2008 the Canadian government illegally attacked and seized the Sea Shepherd ship, the Farley Mowat, and arrested many of it's crew members. The accusations made against the Sea Shepherd were only that they were filming the killing.

Note that the Canadian government wants to forbid anyone to take pictures or film the atrocious seal hunt, to avoid any public outcry, thus allowing the hunters to continue performing a genocide, killing in average about 300 thousand seals each year, so they can take and sell their fur. Many of the baby seals are even skinned alive. Obviously this represents great cruelty and a crime against life, against nature.

Why would the Canadian government do such a thing? Unfortunately, many of the laws, even in the so called "democratic" countries, are made only to favor the economy (= only the enterprises and business man, not the general people) and not animal rights, the environment and not even human rights.
Since decades until now, the politicians who have the responsibility to make laws to favor/protect the population of a country and the Earth itself, behind the stage they actually work for the interests of economical groups, who are the ones that really control the countries. So, in other words, most politicians are just corporate puppets.

Photos of the seal hunt:

Black Harvest - Sea Shepherd in the Faeroe Islands (1986)

Documentation of whaling activities in the Faeroe Islands chronicled in the BBC documentary Black Harvest. This massacre continues today.

In July of 1986, the Sea Shepherd II departs for the Danish Faeroe Islands to document and obstruct the Faeroese pilot whale sport hunt. Captain Watson sends in a team of five crewmembers to meet with the government. All five are arrested and held without charges. The Sea Shepherd II refuses to depart from Faeroese waters until the crew is released. The Faeroese respond by attacking with rifle fire and tear gas. Captain Watson has a bullet strike the ship an inch from his head, and immediately he orders the crew of the Sea Shepherd II to defend the ship with water cannons and cannons loaded with chocolate and lemon pie-filling. The Faeroese attackers are humiliatingly slimed with goo and the Sea Shepherd II escapes with documentation of whaling activities and a dramatic confrontation. The incident is filmed and aired in a BBC produced award-winning documentary entitled Black Harvest.

Confessions of an Eco-"Terrorist"

A new documentary about the amazing work and history of Sea Shepherd and the brave heroes who give their life to protect sentient beings and the Earth.

Official moviesite:


Humor - Vegans, a strange race who chooses to be different from others:

Humor (sort of) - The barbarians who kill in name of tradition:

NOTE: The correct definition of eco-terrorists, are people or entities who destroy the environment and torture and/or kill sentient beings for selfish reasons.

September 24, 2011

MYS Interview: Paul Watson talks about Sea Shepherd

Captain Paul Watson is a man with a complete lack of fear and unrivalled dedication toward protecting marine wildlife. was honoured to meet the founder of Sea Shepherd, the world renowned conservation organisation, and discuss the world’s unavoidable whaling problem.


After founding the international non-profit, marine wildlife conservation organisation in 1997, Captain Paul Watson had one mission; to end the destruction of habitat and slaughter in the world’s oceans.

Having just returned from a successful campaign in the Faroe Islands, one of the world’s three infamous whaling regions, Captain Watson visited the 2011 Monaco Yacht Show to further awareness in the influential Superyacht Industry.

Paul Watson, along with the Sea Shepherd crew, has been on the front lines for nearly three decades protecting endangered wildlife from whalers and other hunters who profit from the destruction of endangered species.

Watch our exclusive interview with Captain Paul Watson to gain an in-depth insight into how far the world’s whaling problem goes and what Sea Shepherd is doing to stop it.

Blood on the ice: The cruel canadian seal hunt

A documentary about Sea Shepherd and how the organization worked to help stop the bloody and cruel seal hunt in Canada.

Original link:

September 22, 2011

Ocean of truth + Consequences of overfishing

A short beautiful video showing why it is so important to protect the seas and oceans.

The consequences of overfishing

September 21, 2011

SEA THE TRUTH - Fishing and the destruction of Oceans and Nature

Sea the Truth is based on numerous scientific publications that examine the problems of seas and oceans. Below follows an overview of the themes addressed in the film and a brief explanation.
Documentary made by the Political Party for Animals in Holand.

If you want to help protect the Earth, it is urgent to stop eating meat (fish and all others) or to reduce it as much as possible. or

According to a report of the New Zealand news channel 3News sea mammals, among which whales, are dying of malnutrition. The makers claim that this is caused by overfishing. Watch the report here:

Fishing policy around the world is destructive. Recommendations from scientists on quotas are ignored by policy makers, wealthy countries plunder the fishing territories of poor countries and bottom trawlers sow destruction all over the seafloor with their dragnets. In Europe, 88% of fish stocks have been overharvested, such as the blue fin tuna which sadly is threatened with extinction.

In addition to the effect on the fish stocks, fishing also affects all other organisms in the same habitat or ecosystem. Whether the fish being harvested are predatory or prey, the balance of the ecosystem is disrupted and this can have serious consequences. The degree of disruption strongly depends on the fishing method employed.

The term bycatch has come to be used to refer to fish caught unintentionally when fishermen fish for commercial fish. These kinds of fish are not interesting to sell and as a consequence they are thrown back into the ocean either death or mutilated. The average bycatch worldwide is about 40.4% of the total amount of fish being caught. This means that 3 kilos of consumed fish brings about 2 kilos of bycatch. In total, 37 billion kilos of fish per year is wasted bycatch.

People once thought that fish could not feel anything when they are caught. This idea was probably motivated because fish are cold blooded; this is in contrast with humans who are warm blooded. However, the ability to feel pain does not have anything to do with body temperature. From research studying the behavior of fish, as well as the study of anatomy and physiology, it turns out that fish have feelings and are in fact able to feel pain. This means that the current methods to catch and kill fish are in truth a torture for fish, moreover captured fish die of suffocation: a process that can take up to several minutes or hours.

Between Hawaii and San Francisco floats an enormous amount of rubbish -- a plastic soup with a surface area of 8.6 million square kilometres. To compare: This is 33 times greater than the surface area of the Netherlands (41,528 km2). This plastic soup was 'discovered' by Charles Moore when he sailed through this area with his boat and found himself surrounded day in day out by plastic waste. He later returned with scientific equipment to determine the soup's total size. The plastic soup is a huge threat to a number of marine animals and mammals.

We're told we should eat fish twice a week as it is packed with nutrition. These healthy nutrients are however easily obtained from other food sources, whereas fish may also contain large amounts of toxins. Mercury and dioxins 'enjoy' the status of most researched toxins in fish.

September 20, 2011

Cientists say that the world's oceans are in 'shocking' decline.

The oceans are in a worse state than previously suspected, according to an expert panel of scientists.

In a new report, they warn that ocean life is "at high risk of entering a phase of extinction of marine species unprecedented in human history". They conclude that issues such as over-fishing, pollution and climate change are acting together in ways that have not previously been recognized.
The impacts, they say, are already affecting humanity.

The panel was convened by the International Programme on the State of the Ocean (IPSO), and brought together experts from different disciplines, including coral reef ecologists, toxicologists, and fisheries scientists.

Its report will be formally released later this week. "The findings are shocking," said Alex Rogers, IPSO's scientific director and professor of conservation biology at Oxford University.
"As we considered the cumulative effect of what humankind does to the oceans, the implications became far worse than we had individually realized.

"We've sat in one forum and spoken to each other about what we're seeing, and we've ended up with a picture showing that almost right across the board we're seeing changes that are happening faster than we'd thought, or in ways that we didn't expect to see for hundreds of years."

These "accelerated" changes include melting of the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, sea level rise, and release of methane trapped in the sea bed.

Fish at market  
Some species are already fished way beyond their limits - and may also be affected by other threats

Fast changes

"The rate of change is vastly exceeding what we were expecting even a couple of years ago," said Ove Hoegh-Guldberg, a coral specialist from the University of Queensland in Australia.

"So if you look at almost everything, whether it's fisheries in temperate zones or coral reefs or Arctic sea ice, all of this is undergoing changes, but at a much faster rate than we had thought."

But more worrying than this, the team noted, are the ways in which different issues act synergistically to increase threats to marine life.

Some pollutants, for example, stick to the surfaces of tiny plastic particles that are now found in the ocean bed. This increases the amounts of these pollutants that are consumed by bottom-feeding fish. Plastic particles also assist the transport of algae from place to place, increasing the occurrence of toxic algal blooms - which are also caused by the influx of nutrient-rich pollution from agricultural land.

In a wider sense, ocean acidification, warming, local pollution and overfishing are acting together to increase the threat to coral reefs - so much so that three-quarters of the world's reefs are at risk of severe decline.

“The challenges are vast; but unlike previous generations, we know what now needs to happen” - Dan Laffoley IUCN

Coral and fish  
Coral reefs are subject to "multiple stressors" that could destroy many within a human generation

Carbon deposits

Life on Earth has gone through five "mass extinction events" caused by events such as asteroid impacts; and it is often said that humanity's combined impact is causing a sixth such event.The IPSO report concludes that it is too early to say definitively.

But the trends are such that it is likely to happen, they say - and far faster than any of the previous five. "What we're seeing at the moment is unprecedented in the fossil record - the environmental changes are much more rapid," Professor Rogers told BBC News.

"We've still got most of the world's biodiversity, but the actual rate of extinction is much higher [than in past events] - and what we face is certainly a globally significant extinction event."

The report also notes that previous mass extinction events have been associated with trends being observed now - disturbances of the carbon cycle, and acidification and hypoxia (depletion of oxygen) of seawater.

Levels of CO2 being absorbed by the oceans are already far greater than during the great extinction of marine species 55 million years ago (during the Paleocene-Eocene Thermal Maximum), it concludes.

Flowers between solar panels  
In the long run, greenhouse gas emissions must be cut to conserve ocean life, the report concludes

Blue planet

The report's conclusions will be presented at UN headquarters in New York this week, when government delegates begin discussions on reforming governance of the oceans. Flowers between solar panels In the long run, greenhouse gas emissions must be cut to conserve ocean life, the report concludes

IPSO's immediate recommendations include:

-  stopping exploitative fishing now, with special emphasis on the high seas where currently there is little effective regulation
-  mapping and then reducing the input of pollutants including plastics, agricultural fertilisers and human waste
-  making sharp reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Carbon dioxide levels are now so high, it says, that ways of pulling the gas out of the atmosphere need to be researched urgently - but not using techniques, such as iron fertilisation, that lead to more CO2 entering the oceans.

"We have to bring down CO2 emissions to zero within about 20 years," Professor Hoegh-Guldberg told BBC News.

"If we don't do that, we're going to see steady acidification of the seas, heat events that are wiping out things like kelp forests and coral reefs, and we'll see a very different ocean."

Another of the report's authors, Dan Laffoley, marine chair of the World Commission on Protected Areas and an adviser to the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN), admitted the challenges were vast.

"But unlike previous generations, we know what now needs to happen," he said.
"The time to protect the blue heart of our planet is now."

BBC  source:

September 18, 2011

Sea Warrior - The start of a new blog

Blog being developed.
More informations will be provided when possible.

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Mahatma Gandhi

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