September 25, 2011

The seal hunt - How Sea Shepherd was attacked and lost the ship Farley Mowat (2008)

Know how in 2008 the Canadian government illegally attacked and seized the Sea Shepherd ship, the Farley Mowat, and arrested many of it's crew members. The accusations made against the Sea Shepherd were only that they were filming the killing.

Note that the Canadian government wants to forbid anyone to take pictures or film the atrocious seal hunt, to avoid any public outcry, thus allowing the hunters to continue performing a genocide, killing in average about 300 thousand seals each year, so they can take and sell their fur. Many of the baby seals are even skinned alive. Obviously this represents great cruelty and a crime against life, against nature.

Why would the Canadian government do such a thing? Unfortunately, many of the laws, even in the so called "democratic" countries, are made only to favor the economy (= only the enterprises and business man, not the general people) and not animal rights, the environment and not even human rights.
Since decades until now, the politicians who have the responsibility to make laws to favor/protect the population of a country and the Earth itself, behind the stage they actually work for the interests of economical groups, who are the ones that really control the countries. So, in other words, most politicians are just corporate puppets.

Photos of the seal hunt:

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