February 28, 2012

SSCS - A Year of Campaigning Dangerously

It has been a year since the Sea Shepherd ships last returned from Operation No Compromise, our most successful ever campaign to oppose illegal Japanese whaling in the Southern Ocean. Since then the Sea Shepherd crew have carried out Operation Blue Rage 2 to protect Bluefin tuna off the coast of Libya, Operation Desert Seal to defend Southern Fur seals on the beaches of Namibia, Operation Ferocious Isles to protect pilot whales from Faeroese whalers, and Operation Divine Wind that has brought us back to the Southern Ocean once again. We also during this time concluded the First Cove Guardian program and we are now almost finished with the 2nd Cove Guardian Program called Operation Infinite Patience. In addition we installed an AIS surveillance system to catch poachers in the Galapagos Islands Marine Reserve.

2011 -2012

Operation No Compromise – January & February, 2011 Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary
Operation Blue Rage Two – June, 2011 – The Mediterranean (Coast of Libya)
Operation Ferocious Isles – July and August, 2011 – The Faeroe Islands
Operation Desert Seal – June and July, 2011 - Namibia
Operation Infinite Patience – September, 2011 – February, 2012 - Japan
Operation Divine Wind - December, 2011 – March 2012 Southern Ocean Whale Sanctuary.

During the last year, Sea Shepherd ships Steve Irwin, Bob Barker and Brigitte Bardot have docked at the following ports: Australia: Hobart, Fremantle, Sydney and Albany. New Zealand: Wellington and Bluff. Tahiti, the Galapagos, the Panama Canal, the Suez Canal, France: Cannes, La Ciotat and Toulon. Italy: Syracuse, Sicily, La Spezia, Lampedusa Pantelleria, Spain: Barcelona. Gibraltar. Madeira. St. Martins. U.K.: St. Helier, Jersey Island, Lerwick, Shetland Islands, Kirlkwall, Orkney Islands, London, Southampton. The Faeroes: Toshaven. Maldives.

Legal Issues: Defense against a suit in the U.K. Courts by the Maltese Fishing Company Fish and Fish. Case unresolved. Defense against a suit by the Japanese whalers in a U.S. Court seeking an injunction. Case won. Defense against a suit by Pete Bethune. Case unresolved. Defense of Erwin Vermeulen of the Cove Guardians in Japan. Case unresolved.

Written by Paul Watson.

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